a3. Air Operated Paint Shaker - Imported
Product Number:E00683
Title:Air Operated Paint Shaker
*Accommodates virtually all cans and containers from 
 quarter and half-pints (stacked or positioned with spacers)
 through one gallon or one imperial gallon
*Can handle most aerosols (with caps)
*Handles square gallons
*Automatically compensates shaker speed for can size

Capacity - 1/4 pint  through 1 gal
Speed adjustable to control valve up to 70 cycles/mins
Air Pressure - 70 to 120 PSI
Air Inlet Threads - l/4" NPT
Air Cons - 4.3 CFM free air with
1 gal., 12 lb. can @ 300 shake angle
Suggested Shake Time - 90se
Weighs  21 lb.